Season 4 has clewed up. The following episodes are available on Apple, Spotify, and other podcast players.

Episode 1: Lost and Found? Bobby Dunbar and Danny Filippidis

Release Date: March 21, 2022

One of the horrible truths of our world is that every day, people go missing. It’s heart-wrenching to the loved ones and many times, the missing are never found. But in some miraculous cases the missing are returned. In most of these scenarios, this is the best thing that could possibly happen. But in some cases, there are often more questions than answers. Sometimes when we look deeper, the cases are just weirder. In this episode we are going to present the case of Bobby Dunbar and the case of Danny Filippidis. What on Earth happened when they were missing? All I can guarantee is it was some weird.

Episode 2: Deathbed Confessions

Release Date: April 4, 2022

Ever hold a deep, dark secret? Do you think you will have something to confess on your deathbed? In this episode we tell the story of a Cleveland bank robber who kept his secret for over 40 years only to confess to his astonished wife and daughter just before dying and the story from the Wild West of a man who confessed to murdering an acquaintance for mispronouncing “Newfoundland”. We also have a special guest! Ted, one of the cohosts of the Narbos and Broomheads podcast and ½ of Ted & Barry’s Social Distancing Trivia, presented us with a series of short deathbed confession stories. Some were true and some he totally made up. Did he trick Crissy and Barry? How well will you do with your guesses?

Episode 3: The Jersey Devil and Murder at the Devil's Teeth

Release Date: April 18, 2022

We are finally bringing you weird stories from New Jersey. Do you know why the NHL team is called the Devils? The people of the Garden State voted on this name as homage to their very own Pine Barrens dwelling chimera: the Jersey Devil. What are its origins and is it still roaming around to this day? It’s really weird! Then, we travel back in time to the Satanic Panic of the 1970s and the unsolved possible murder of a 16 year old girl who some people think was a cult sacrifice.

Episode 4: Weird Backstories of Pop Music Hits

Release Date: May 2, 2022

Talk about pop music? Don’t mind if we do! Did you know that perennial party song ‘Louie Louie’ was investigated by the FBI for possible obscene lyrics? Or that the 80s power ballad ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ was originally meant to be a vampire love song? The stories behind these two mega hits are some weird. We also welcome Alan from the Super Hits podcast to lend his expertise concerning all things pop music related. Check him out on all the socials @SuperHitsCast

Episode 5: Feral People: The Green Children of Woolpit and The Bush Boys of British Columbia

Release Date: May 18, 2022

Not everyone lives within the confines of socially agreed upon limits whether by choice or by happenstance. In this episode we present the stories of The Green Children of Woolpit and The Bush Boys of British Columbia and how the people of the communities they wandered into reacted to these strange and seemingly feral people.

Episode 6: Real Psychics: Peter Hurkos and The Amazing Randi

Release Date: May 30, 2022

Do you think psychic powers are real? Or are they just fun parlor tricks meant for entertainment? In this episode, we tell the story about a man named Peter Hurkos who claimed to have psychic abilities and who consulted on various criminal cases including that of the Boston Strangler. Then we flip it 180 degrees to talk about the Amazing Randi; a man who claimed to be a charlatan and a liar and who set out to debunk these so-called psychics.

Episode 7: HAARP and Charlie Hatfield: The Rainmaker

Release Date: June 27, 2022

Do you ever wish you could change the weather? Why does it rain on the weekend when you want to go to the beach or for a hike but then the sun shines bright on Monday morning just in time to go back to school or work? Unfortunately, Mother Nature cares very little for your weekend plans. But did you know that there is a conspiracy theory that says HAARP can manipulate weather? That one is dubious at best. But consider the case of Charlie Hatfield the Rainmaker. His story seems to show that at least one person was able to conjure rain through science…maybe a little too good.

Episode 8: Weird Animal Stories: Parrot Detectives and Dolphin Mediators (Probably)

Release Date: July 11, 2022 

We at The Some Weird Podcast are animal lovers so it was inevitable that we would do an episode dedicated to weird animal stories. We start with a good old conspiracy theory and a couple of stories of parrots who helped solve murders. Then things get real weird when we delve into the world of a secret dolphin experiment where one researcher took her work a little too personally. Hold on to your horses because this one is a doozy!

Episode 9: Capgras and Cotard’s Syndromes

Release Date: July 25, 2022

Our brains are probably the most complex things in the known universe. These mega organic computers control our bodily functions and also our minds. If we are lucky, our minds remain clear and all is good but sometimes something can go so wrong that we experience terrifying delusions. Both Capgras Syndrome and Cotard’s Syndrome are incredibly rare mental conditions. Sufferers of Capgras think someone close to them has been replaced by a double and those with Cotard’s Syndrome may think that parts of their bodies do not exist or even that that are already dead. These are definitely some weird!

Episode 10a: Scallywags and Quizzes: More Stories from Newfoundland and Labrador

Release Date: August 9, 2022

We have so much material for our final episode of Season 4 that we turned it into a 2-parter! In this episode we are joined by our returning guest Trivia Ted to talk about the surprising reaction to Canadian confederation from a group of Newfoundland scallywags, a Newfoundland dog who rescued young defenseless children from the Seine and quiz ourselves on weird Newfoundland sayings and culture.

Episode 10b: Weird Observances: More Stories from Newfoundland and Labrador

Release Date: August 22, 2022

This is the really real final episode of Season 4. In this second part of a two-parter Barry tells us about some of the strange holidays and observances we celebrate in Newfoundland and Labrador.